We began the Pēpi Splint project in 2017 with the Waikato hospital NICU unit. Within this niche care sector, there have not been any significant developments in this field. There is very little data on skin injury recorded nor severity of skin loss. While its not pleasant and no one likes it, it's seen as par for the course and accepted part of a wider treatment.
At the same time as Waikato hospital contacted us to see if we could propose a solution, perhaps in a case of serendipity, one of senior designers had his first child. All was not well and they ended up at Auckland's Starship Children’s Hospital, experiencing first-hand, the lifesaving but painful events associated with PIVC placements.
As a close knit team, we were hyper empathetic to their plight, so we jumped at the chance to make a difference.
Our Team

Mike Williams
Director of MWMedical and MWDesign Ltd, Mike is a practicing industrial designer with 25 years industry experience both in Europe and NZ.
I started MWMedical in response to the Pēpi Splint project in order to apply focus to the product. Functional design is at the root of my design philosophy."

Neil Gibb
Business Developer
Neil has been a strong supporter of the Pēpi Splint, inspiring new ideas for the progression of the product into the global market. Neil has many years of experience transforming businesses to succeed in their field, and is pushing for Pēpi Splint to be the number one choice in hospitals around the world.

Georgia Fulton
Senior Designer
Georgia is the senior designer at MWDesign, Mt Maunganui. Georgia is a
co-developer of the Pēpi Splint, involved from the start. Georgia has brought a design sensitivity to the Pēpi Splint, resulting in its final elegant form.

Andrew Porter
Senior Designer
Andrew is the senior designer at MWDesign, Hamilton. Andrew is a co-developer of the Pēpi Splint and the father of baby Chase. Andrew’s first-hand insights were critical in fast tracking the design from concept to prototype.

34D Somerset Street
Hamilton 3204
New Zealand
+64 7 839 5018